I’m more than a producer, but who has the time (or attention span) to read anything longer than a two paragraph email, or a 140 character tweet, let alone my life story.  So, in no particular order, here are the basics about Whitney:

• I love to travel and am on a plane, train, or automobile going anywhere and everywhere as often as I possibly can. Current country count = 54 (55 if you include the US ;).

• My family is my everything! 

• I’m kind of obsessed with my Lola (aka my 8 pound bundle of shitzu-poodle fabulousness, commonly known as a dog). 

• I grew up in Aurora, CO and went to NYC for college and stayed. After living in the concrete jungle for 13 years, I decided I’d like to see grass beyond the confines of Central Park, so LA here I am! Still, not a lot of grass, but we have beaches - I consider it a win.

• I played D-I soccer in college and have come out of retirement in an effort to attempt to relive the dream, via adult co-ed soccer leagues.

• Yellow is my favorite color, it makes me happy.